Inflammation Archives | Centenary Institute Medical Research, Life Saving Research Thu, 05 Oct 2023 00:47:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cancer drug for COVID-19 Tue, 19 Sep 2023 03:37:49 +0000 Researchers, including Dr Matt Johansen from the Centenary UTS Centre for Inflammation and Professor Phil Hansbro, Director of the Centenary UTS Centre for Inflammation, have discovered that a cancer drug could play an important role in limiting the damaging effects of lung disease in COVID-19 patients.

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The collaborative study, led by the Hudson Institute of Medical Research, found that the drug idronoxil, which was originally developed to treat cancers, could reduce the inflammation that occurs in response to COVID-19.

Professor Hansbro, co-senior author of the study, said that the body’s inflammatory response plays a critical role in controlling viruses like SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19. However, the disease can become deadly if the inflammation increased out of control.

“COVID-19 has highlighted how damaging out-of-control inflammation can be. A severe hyper-inflammatory response can lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome and organ failure,” said Professor Hansbro.

The researchers found that the therapeutic targeting of a single protein activated by several inflammatory pathways can help limit the dangerous inflammation that can result from COVID-19, without increasing viral replication in the lung.

This led to the discovery that idronoxil administered 3 days after infection could reduce the inflammation resulting from SARS-CoV-2 infection in a pre-clinical mouse model of the disease.

The Hudson Institute’s Associate Professor Michael Gantier, who led the study, said that he believed idronoxil or its potential derivatives could not only help treat COVID-19 patients with severe lung hyper-inflammation but that it could also have potential application in treating future emerging viruses.

The research was published in the prestigious journal, Nature Communications with Dr Matt Johansen co-first author on the study.

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NAMe Meeting 2023 Wed, 23 Aug 2023 06:56:39 +0000 The 17th Annual NAMe meeting is a two day event designed to highlight emerging research in asthma and airways and to engage with new like-minded collaborators.

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Connect, Engage, Learn

This year’s Meeting, sponsored by AstraZeneca, GSK and Cheisi, will be held at the Centenary Institute on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 October 2023.

Focus and talks

The 17th Annual NAMe meeting is a two day event designed to highlight emerging research in asthma and airways and to engage with new like-minded collaborators.

Talks will be presented by leaders in their fields, post-doctoral fellows and senior PhD scholars.

We highly recommend attending for the full two days.

Participants are encouraged to interact with the community of researchers, Professors and clinicians whenever possible. Talks are designed for speakers to discuss the kind of work they do and time will be allowed (5 minutes) for questions/discussion.

Senior researchers, Post-doctoral fellows and senior PhD students are encouraged to present and enter a poster. There will be prizes for the best two Post-doctoral and Post-graduate student presentations.

The program

The program will include talks across respiratory research including presentations from a number of prestigious invited national and international speakers. See the full Meeting program below.

See speaker highlights below.

Poster competition and Oral presentations

Prizes will be awarded for both the poster competition and oral presentations and we encourage all to enter. Share your wonderful work with delegates.

Prizes will be awarded for

  • Best clinical Post-doc talk
  • Best clinical PhD student talk
  • Best basic Science Post-doc talk
  • Best Basic Science PhD student talk
  • Best Post-doc Poster
  • Best PhD student poster

Meeting dinner

The dinner will be held on Thursday, 26 October at The Grandstand just a short walk from the Meeting venue.

We are delighted to announce that through our sponsors we are now able to offer the NAMe dinner tickets complimentary for guests. Please register here for the dinner as tickets are limited.

Dinner tickets need to be purchased separately to your Meeting registration.

Dinner ticket reservations closes 12 October 2023.

Meeting Registration

Registrations close 12 October 2023.

The Meeting will be streamed via Zoom

If you are joining via Zoom please still register your details in the registration section. Note: If presenting a talk or entering a poster in the competition attending the Meeting in person is required. The Meeting dinner is only open to registrants who attend the Meeting in person.

Zoom link 

Speaker highlights

  • Associate Professor Maarten van den Berge

    Topic – ATLANTIS small airways study and role of fixed airflow obstruction in asthma

    Groningen Research Institute for Asthma and COPD
  • Professor Francesca Polverino

    Topic – Pulmonologist perspectives on advances

    Baylor College of Medicine Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
  • Professor Ian Adcock

    Topic – Multi-omics analysis of metagenomic clusters in severe asthma

    Professor of Respiratory Cell & Molecular Biology and Head of the Molecular Cell Biology Group at the National Heart & Lung Institute
  • Professor Jon Iredell

    Topic – Phages, respiratory infections

    Professor of Medicine and Microbiology (conj.), Sydney Medical School Director, Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology
  • Professor Lucy Morgan

    Topic – Bronchiectasis and treatments

    Lung Foundation Australia

Getting to the Centenary Institute

Building 93, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Johns Hopkins Drive (off Missenden Road)


Plan your trip

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Professor Hansbro features on the Good Reading podcast Mon, 14 Aug 2023 03:50:38 +0000 Professor Phil Hansbro, Director of the Centenary UTS Centre for Inflammation, has been interviewed on the Good Reading podcast about his recently published book, ‘The Good Gut Anti-Inflammatory Diet’.

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On the podcast, Professor Hansbro explains that inflammation underlies the vast majority of diseases and details what individuals and their gut can do about it.

“The higher our baseline inflammation levels, the more vulnerable we are to disease,” says Professor Hansbro.

“Supporting the health of our gut by enjoying a healthy diet and lifestyle is a simple but powerful way to really help drive down harmful inflammation in our bodies.”

Listen to Professor Hansbro explain the science behind health, disease and the gut on the Good Reading podcast here.

 ‘The Good Gut Anti-Inflammatory Diet’, which includes recipes and practical tips for minimising inflammation and improving whole-body health, can be purchased online here.

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Student Open Day Mon, 03 Jul 2023 23:08:28 +0000 Take you first step into a career in medical research - come and join us at our Student Open Day.

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You will have the opportunity to hear from current students and post-docs at Centenary as well as take part in a tour of our laboratories.

Come along and meet with project leads to discuss student placements at the Centenary Institute.

Stay tuned for further information.

Event program (subject to change)

Opening Address – Executive Director, Professor Marc Pellegrini  
Presentations by Professional Services at Centenary
– Chief Operating Officer
– Manager, Research Office
– Head of People Operations  
Presentations by current students at Centenary  
Presentation by post-docs at Centenary  
Tour of Centenary Institute laboratories and Charles Perkins Centre  
Meet and greet with Project leads, students and post-docs   Food and beverages  

Watch our introductory video to learn more about the Centenary Institute

If you would like to share details of our Student Open Day with friends or family who may like insights and inspiration for their own career journey please download the event poster here.

Things to know when visiting the Institute.

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‘When Art Meets Science’ Exhibition Tue, 27 Jun 2023 06:30:19 +0000 The Centenary Institute will host an Exhibition at Parliament House Sydney showcasing images taken by our scientists as part of their research endeavours that have both scientific significance and are visual masterpieces!  The Scientific Image Prize is an annual internal competition designed to recognise the incredible research of Centenary’s scientists, as well as their artistic ...

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The Centenary Institute will host an Exhibition at Parliament House Sydney showcasing images taken by our scientists as part of their research endeavours that have both scientific significance and are visual masterpieces! 

The Scientific Image Prize is an annual internal competition designed to recognise the incredible research of Centenary’s scientists, as well as their artistic abilities.

We invite our supporters, collaborators and the wider community to come and view the Exhibition which will be open to the public from 9.00am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday during the month of August.

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Study shows early changes in immune cells linked to COPD Tue, 30 May 2023 01:43:15 +0000 A new study led by the Centenary Institute and the University of Bonn has revealed new insights into the early stages of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a debilitating respiratory condition characterised by inflammation in the lungs and severe breathing difficulties.

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Published in the journal Cell Reports, the researchers found increased levels of five different types of immune cells, called neutrophils, in the blood of people with early-stage COPD. The cells are crucial in fighting off infection but they are also associated with disease when they become aberrant.

In this study, only one of these five cell types were linked to COPD disease features. The researchers also observed changes in the characteristics and functions of these neutrophils, which were linked to the decline in patient lung function. Similar neutrophil related changes were also observed in experimental models involving mice, commencing in the bone marrow and moving to the blood and then the lungs.

Professor Phil Hansbro, Director of the Centenary UTS Centre for Inflammation, joint senior author of the paper said the study suggests that there are changes happening in the immune cells of people with early-stage COPD, even before the disease progresses to severe stages. It shows that these specific types of neutrophils can be specifically targeted in new therapies in the blood before they reach the lungs. This would allow the other four neutrophil types to remain and fight off infections.

“These findings could potentially be used to develop new treatments and diagnostic tools for early detection and personalised management of COPD to enhance patients’ quality of life,” said Professor Hansbro.

Research paper: Systemic alterations in neutrophils and their precursors in early-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Lead author: Dr Theodore Kapellos, The Life and Medical Sciences Institute, University of Bonn.


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Medicinae Investigationis Excellentiae Fri, 21 Apr 2023 05:55:59 +0000 To honour Professor Mathew Vadas AO and his sixteen years as Executive Director of the Centenary Institute we will host a Symposium of Medical Research Excellence.

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The event will include a post Symposium celebration.


Professor Marc Pellegrini – Executive Director, Centenary Institute
1.10pmAdjunct Professor Mathias Francois
Head, David Richmond Laboratory for Cardiovascular Development: Gene Regulation and Editing Program, Centenary Institute
1.25pmDr Elinor Hortle
Centenary UTS Centre for Inflammation
1.40pmAssociate Professor Andy Philp
Director, Centre for Healthy Ageing and Head, Biology of Ageing Program, Centenary Institute
1.55pmDr Kieran English
Liver Immunology and Liver Injury and Cancer Programs, Centenary Institute
2.10pmDr Ka Ka Ting
Vascular Biology Program, Centenary Institute
2.25pmDr Matt Johansen
Centenary UTS Centre for Inflammation
2.40pmDr Dan Hesselson
Head, Directed Evolution Laboratory, Centenary Institute
2.55pmDr Renjing Liu
Head, Vascular Epigenetics Laboratory, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute
3.15pmPlease join us at the conclusion of the Symposium for Drinks and canapes

Download a pdf of the program here

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Key mechanism identified for reducing chronic inflammation in cardiovascular diseases Wed, 12 Apr 2023 22:39:10 +0000 A breakthrough discovery in understanding how white blood cells move in the body could pave the way for new treatments for chronic inflammation-related diseases including cardiovascular diseases, according to a recent study from the Centenary Institute.

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Published in the prestigious journal Circulation Research, the study investigated the movement of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell that is an essential part of the immune system.

Neutrophils, the first responders when there’s an injury or infection, move from blood vessels to the site of injury and initiate inflammation and healing. However, prolonged retention of neutrophils, such as at the site of vascular injury, can result in chronic inflammation and a build-up of atherosclerotic plaques that can lead to strokes and heart attacks.

Dr Joyce Chiu, lead author of the study, from the ACRF Centenary Cancer Research Centre, said that the team had uncovered the method by which neutrophils unstick from blood vessels as they move towards the site of injury. This mechanism, she said, could be potentially harnessed to reduce chronic inflammation by preventing the movement of neutrophils to certain areas of the body.

“Molecules known as integrins help neutrophils stick to the walls of blood vessels, to prevent the cells from being carried away by blood flow. To move to the site of injury, neutrophils must stick and unstick from blood vessel walls. While we knew how integrins helped neutrophils stick, we did not know how they unstick,” said Dr Chiu.

According to Dr Chiu, the study discovered that a molecule called protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), secreted by neutrophils, plays a crucial role in helping the cells unstick from blood vessels as they move towards the site of injury.

Dr Chiu believes that this finding suggests that PDI could be a target for new drugs to treat chronic inflammation in diseases including cardiovascular diseases.

“New drugs can be designed to inhibit PDI, to keep neutrophils from ‘unsticking’ and migrating from blood vessel walls. Preventing neutrophils from moving around can help prevent chronic inflammation by reducing their ability to accumulate at sites of injury or infection,” Dr Chiu said.

“Our research could pave the way for new treatments and management strategies that are able to limit the extent of inflammation, and potentially improve outcomes for individuals with chronic inflammatory and cardiovascular conditions.”

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Professor Marc Pellegrini Wed, 01 Mar 2023 07:01:07 +0000 Professor Marc Pellegrini MB BS BSc FRACP PhD FAHMS is an infectious diseases physician, host-pathogen molecular biologist, and Executive Director at the Centenary Institute. An internationally renowned research scientist, Professor Pellegrini has over 20 years of experience working on chronic infections that include HIV, hepatitis B and tuberculosis. Bridging the gap between basic science and ...

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Professor Marc Pellegrini MB BS BSc FRACP PhD FAHMS is an infectious diseases physician, host-pathogen molecular biologist, and Executive Director at the Centenary Institute. An internationally renowned research scientist, Professor Pellegrini has over 20 years of experience working on chronic infections that include HIV, hepatitis B and tuberculosis.

Bridging the gap between basic science and translation into the clinic, Professor Pellegrini’s research is focused on the development of novel therapeutics and interventions for the management of infectious diseases that contribute significantly to global morbidity and mortality.

An expert on host-pathogen interactions, Professor Pellegrini is particularly interested in the targeting of host cell signalling pathways to promote clearance of infected cells to eradicate chronic infectious diseases. His work has resulted in 16 clinical trials, including that of interleukin-7 immunotherapy, which was approved for the treatment of a  previously fatal disease (progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy) caused by the JC virus. Professor Pellegrini and his team have been awarded a number of prizes including the Burnet Prize, the Bupa Health Researcher Award, the Frank Fenner Award, an NHMRC Excellence Award and two Eureka Prizes. He was elected as a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences in 2018.

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IGEP Presents: International Women’s Day Tue, 28 Feb 2023 00:28:20 +0000 Centenary’s Inclusion Gender Equity Program (IGEP) brings an entertaining and exciting half-day event

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Join us on Wednesday, 8th Mar to celebrate in style the 2023 International Women’s Day (IWD).

Talk: Throwing Rocks at the Glass Ceiling

  • Professor Ingrid Scheffer

    12pm – 1pm

    Prof Ingrid Scheffer is a neurobiologist and molecular geneticist at the University of Melbourne and Florey Institute. She’s the winner of the Australian Prime Minister’s Prize for Science (2018). Prof Scheffer will share her research career journey to leadership – can’t wait to hear her exciting story.

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